Worship is our cardio.

It’s a papa to child relationship.

Today is not world’s appreciation day but then I feel so elated and it is because of you! 😄 ( you are reading this and probably wondering how, I’d tell you, don’t rush, just chill) I want to appreciate you, I mean, for always taking your time to stop by and check up my entries. You are the real one. I’m so happy I get to share my Christian journey with you (isn’t that exciting? It is, it really is)😄 I appreciate you so much, words can’t do justice but then they are all I can harness for the time being. I know it’s not the eloquence of the words I put down here but the spirit that backs every word I put down. I’m just happy I get to partner with God on this one, can’t even imagine doing this on my own, I’m really not that important, God is. I really celebrate you. 🎉

There is something I have termed somewhere in my head as ‘being conscious of self’ and the Holy Spirit has helped me to get rid of this part of me. What do I mean by this? While growing, I used to feel like when we are worshipping and adoring God, someone is right there, somewhere in the congregation, looking at me and laughing at me, could be for no reason at all though 😄. My parents told me “no one is looking at you, just worship God. ” but then I still always felt that someone was looking even when everyone claims to be worshipping!

I was so conscious of how I worshipped, my movements, my reactions and all, really, this took me no where. Then one day as I was worshipping I heard the Holy Spirit say “You are in the presence of your father, get lost in him and do away with your self consciousness. ” I didn’t immediately snap out of caring about what others would have to say if they see me in such a mood but then over time I did and this is the most important thing, I discovered that it is whatever energy you bring from your place of worship in your closet you bring to the gathering of the beloved as well.

When we worship God, we worship Him with our all, every single part of us worships him and no part should be left out. We lose sense of who we are but really come to think of this, who are we? We are nothing without God, Psalms describes us as wild flowers growing and upon the gentle scorch of the sun, here today and gone tomorrow, in this same light we come to Him baring our all before Him, adore Him and magnify Him. It’s a personal one on one relationship. Know this even though a thousand people raise their voices to heaven, God hears us individually. It’s a papa to child relationship, He doesn’t need us to be so conscious of who we are, he needs us to be lost in Him.

To you: We worship Him in spirit and truth.

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